Who is the Chaos Monster and why is it so dangerous?

Self-Service for end users is a critical success factor for a well-working collaboration environment. This is the same in the Microsoft ecosystem. But we learned over the past decades that this comes at a cost. This leads to big information chaos in all the different places and methods you store unstructured information such as documents. Let’s call it the Chaos Monster.

  • Loss of productivity due to unclear structures
  • Loss of time due to extensive search activities
  • Frustration due to time loss and not having the correct information
  • Your Company LOSES MONEY every day, feeding the Monster

Some basic Truths that can help you in fighting the Chaos Monster

  • Have a clear and logic structure
  • Follow your implicit processes that can be understood by the user
  • Create a clear structure that complies with your end-users' work processes
  • Have various templates for different needs in place
  • Implement Roles, responsibilities, and rules that support and do not prevent
  • Implement automation to keep the rules upright as the user will forget
  • Make your environment manageable by the IT department in the background

These rules seem simple enough to follow, but believe us, we spent years understanding what is needed to implement them in such a way that they work for all stakeholders.


Ready to defeat the Chaos Monster?

Discover our solutions and find the perfect tool for your needs. Let's kick chaos out of your Microsoft 365 collaboration space so you can sit back and relax!
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